Terms of service

Welcome to roblobux.fr! On this website, you can earn R$ for free by completing offers from our partners, who provide various ways to earn them, such as doing surveys, installing apps, watching videos, and other interesting methods. By accessing or using our website, you agree to be bound by the following Terms of Use. Please review them carefully before any use. If you do not agree to these terms, kindly refrain from using this site.

User Commitment

To start using our site and gain access to the page where you can get R$ for free, you must link your Roblox account to our site by only providing your username. Creating an account with a password or disclosing personal information is not required on your part. However, please note that to access certain offers on our website, it may be necessary to submit personal information to third parties but will never ask for a password. We disclaim any responsibility for the privacy practices and content of these third parties. Before completing any offer, it is recommended to carefully review their terms of use and privacy policies. Any bad-quality responses to surveys or attempts at fraud will result in an immediate and permanent ban from this site.

Disclaimer: No Guarantee of Offer Completion

No assurance is given regarding the receipt of free R$ for completing each offer on our website. These offers are provided by third parties who have complete control over them. We do not endorse or certify the quality, accuracy, reliability, or relevance of these offers but you can still contact us to make a claim. You acknowledge that completing an offer is done at your own risk, and we cannot be held responsible for any potential losses or damages resulting from this process.

Intellectual Property Rights and Unauthorized Use

All rights regarding our website and its content belong to us. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, display, performance, publication, transmission, or creation of derivative works from any part of our website or its content is prohibited without our express, prior written consent. Furthermore, the commercial use of our website or its content requires our prior written consent, to which you also agree to comply.